Monday, January 28, 2013

B'day Popoh

Big Huge and much kiss for you...
hopefully u get and always do the best for us
can't say anything more
just pray to Allah for everything the best for you


the prize for popooh in this morning only cake and special greeting from me. also a small card made by me for popooh.
hopefully it will be special thing for him..
and i still have other prize for popooh :*

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Quotes of Today

"Even if you feel that you have done the best, don't judge your self has be the best...Because maybe it's not for others
So......Be a man who have a good feeling not a feeling good...."

that's quote i take from the experience today. it will be special quote for me...^^
i think everyone ever feel that her or him self is the best. But behind it all, what we have aware of others opinion about us??

hmmm....i just think better feel less and always continue to do good things so we could be the best in finally, rather than we feel the best but in the end of anything we do, we don't have everything the best

For someone at there:
I just share my experience to you, and hope we could do and getting the best. i don't wanna teach you and change your mind. Your life is your way ^^
Sharing is fun time in friendship

Friday, January 11, 2013

Lesson today

beautiful insects
with the colours, with the wings
and it make all the blooming flowers look more beautiful

i love the butterfly
although they have a short time in life, but they really useful to another
for the flowers
for the human
and he could make everyone who look at them, smile..
because they are so beautiful
Their colours

Butterflies should inspire of life for all people in the world
especially for me...
i want look like a butterflies

useful and could make others smile when their in near me

Thanks Allah for everything
You could make me think more about a little thing have i found today
Your graces are so beautiful
all praises only for You...

Thursday, January 10, 2013

first posting in 2013

Welcome 2013's too late to said it. because... now has entered the middle of the month in this year.hihi
But...better late than none yah...hahaha *tetep euy ngelez...
hmm....banyak banget cerita yang sudah terlewatkan yang ga sempet di share di blog tercinta ini... kangen curhat (dot) com. hehe
padahal dari akhir tahun ke awal tahun aja ceritanya udah numpuq... hufht...jadi must begin from the first again deh. hehe
It's a New thing
for be better always. first resolution in this year.
oh iya...sedikit cerita, me and my husband called "popooh" have arrange plan n action who must doing in this year.. waaaaa... it's firt step to better right?
kompak untuk merencanakan masa depan itu sesuatu banget deh.
Palnning it's time to action ^^
and's important thing to do after action. without the blessing from Allah we couldn't get anything. hopefully all the dreams will be come true..aminnn
Upz, baca dari awal, bahasanya campur2 gini yah..hehe
ga apa deh, yang penting bisa dimengerti.
Oiya, ngomong2 kegiatanq yang tertinggal untuk diceritain di blog. akhir tahun banyak acara seru lho yang aq ikutin...hehe
mulai dari acara fashion show, shopping coping, sampe acara photo contest. whaattt...gimana ceritanyahhh? haha..
berawal dari hobby yang baru bisa dituangkan sekarang ini yaitu dalam dunia fashion...hehe, aq didukung sama popooh tercinta, mulai nyoba2 memasuki dunia itu dengan penuh bahagia "lebaymodeon wkwkwk
Awalnya pengen tau aja dulu fashion style yang lagi in sekarang itu seperti apa...
and pertama banget itu aq ikutan acara talkshow tentang fashion and preneur yang bikin aqu sedikit banyak tau perkembangan fashion sekarang, khususnya dalam dunia fashion muslim yah ^^
iseng2 berhadiah selanjutnya ikutan hijab class - special made broche... wahh seru neh, jadi bisa bikin boss cantiq sendiri. alhamdulillah...
udah dapet temen n info2 dari beberapa orang yang ahli, akhirnya lanjut ke acara fashion show. waktu itu tepatnya aq ikutan acara yang diadain sama mein di Kemang. Acaranya seru banget. sharing sama beberapa designer yang udah punya nama and liat koleksi2 terbaru yang keren2.
Hmmm..makin terinspirasi deh^^, tapiiiii....kendalanya kalo aq mau terjun di dunia designer. aq kan ga bisa gambar bisa jahit juga *tepokjidat
Gimana caranya mau nuangin ide??? hahaha...itulah yang sedang menjadi issue galau sekarang. wkwkwk..
hayoo, siapa yang mau jadi partner.... kikikkk
Nah...buat tau detail dari beberapa design yang oke, kan harus punya dulu tuh contohnya biar bisa liat sekalian pake..hehe.. inilah waktunya shopping coping gitu deh sama popooh. Popooh dengan senang hati beliin aq beberapa item yang oke2.. huhu...
best time in end the year 2012. *tingting 
terakhir acara yang aq ikutin selanjutnya adalah
haha...sebenernya c ga niat banget ni ikutan photo contest. cz niat awal aq adalah ikutan beauty classnya aja, pengen jadi girly gitu ceritanya...belajar2 dandan.. kikikkk
Tapi, ternyata acaranya emang lebih focus ke photo contestnya...
Jadi, yaudah deh aq ikutan aja photo2 nya..haha
Lumayan gaya2 dikit.
eh...dandannya masi belum bisa juga...wkwkwk
tetep aja euy berantakan gimana gitu kalo dandan hadehhhhh.
Yup..tha's a little story at the end of  2012. Nice...Fun...Inspire...
Hopefully it will be the greates experience and thing whose could make me change and have a chance to be a new me.
Once more
HAPPY 2013