Friday, June 21, 2013

Zumba Time

i wanna be a healthy woman ^^,
after on wednesday i pampering my self in salon, on thursday i go to RAFA International Dance School. what do you think? hmmm......the fact is i don't want to be a professional dancer at there. buuuttt... i want to make my body healthy and slim too. hihiiii... of course it for my Popooh only yahh ^^,. The place is not too far from my office soo...i go there after office hour with my friends. who they are? Finul and Teh Nyonyoi... ^^ how about Mbul? she doesn't want follow us because something. maybe next time she wanna join with us. hmmmm....
we back from office at 4pm, and seek a food place, we eating together and going to Finul's boarding house whose not far too from our office. After magrib, we going to Rafa by bajaj :) . and for the first time we take a Zumba dance at 7pm until 8pm. we are very passion. hahaaa...
very nice, funny and energetic...
zumba make us spending a lot of sweat...
fresh fully......
and after i have arrived at house i take a bath, pray and sleeping very soundly..
thank Allah..
for the nice day...

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