Wednesday, May 23, 2012

RiNdy's Favorite Photos

today is my bad mood left at home maybe..or in my bed place...really couldn't get spirit and feel my heart and my brain isn't fused. hufht...  :(
And now....just for fill in my spare time, i want to share my favorite photos with my dearest husband in my lovest blog ^^ 

in my uncle's wedding

nice face @ ancol - jakarta

we in black n red costume ^^

@ seaworld

@ KFC Arion Mall :)

@ Pancake Cafe Rawamangun

car free day @ Jl. Pemuda Jakarta Timur

otw (pose in the car ^^v)

still in the car on different moment ^^,

i think enough for today i'm sharing our photo, see you in other posting .. hihi


  1. dah mulai update papun di blog ya bu????? ketagihan khan klo dah nulis disini, hehehehe

    Mank dasar nech pasangan ternasis sedunia, dimana2 pasti foto2 b'2 ^^


  2. iya ne..awalnya cuma gara2 ga ada kerjaan, eh...jadi ketagihan deh utak/ik..seruuuu :)

    yippy er.... dimana2 maunya foto terus..update always lah pokona mah.. kikikkkk ^^v

  3. karena skrg bisa bula blog juga y nin di kntor, klo di kntor lama khan ga bisa yach....^^

    jgn lpa ke rumah gw tgl 2 juni y...!

  4. iya betul...jadi bisa bebas berkreasi di blog deh.. ^^

    siapppp buuuuu.... insyaallah minggu depan kesana ya? ^^. btw rumahnya yg mana ya? kikik...masih belum nemu kan alamatnya^^

    jam berapa euy acaranya?
