Tuesday, April 9, 2013

double countdown . . . ^^

why i said it?
because there are two moments on next day. so.. i called it double countdown. one for waiting my Popooh back and get my day... yippy...^^
it called special gift from Allah..
i know Allah never sleep and always know every pray of the human in the world.. if the time has come Alllah must be make all hope and pray comes true.
thanks to Allah..
i love you more..and more...
every moment, every time, every thing whose happened in my life is special thing from Alllah
my family...
my popooh..
all is special gift from Allah..
i love everytime in the world, i love the time when i could spending much time with my family...
all the time with them is quality time..
maybe it usual thing.. but for me..it's extraordinary thing... special time in my life
i can't predicting my time in the world. but until this time i really happy be around the family who love me so much. i can't give anything for my family.. but i hope what i have done until this time has special sense for them..


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